Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gone Too Soon (Kuala Lumpur . Manila . Hong Kong)


At Zeta Bar, in the Hilton in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Troy and LJ decided after dinner to keep the drinks coming and talk about life and work and the balance between. We ordered three Tiger beers and stood at a table as the live band, Shades, started taking the stage.

“I don’t know how you do it,” Troy told me.

“What do you mean?”

“You are always on the go. You are never home.” And we did cheers with our Tiger beers and we all took a drink. Then Troy laughed. “Where is your home really?”

“Hey, you know my philosophy on that: home is a person and not a place. I am trying to find my person.”

“Is it Sophia?” Troy asked point blank.

“Sophia has put up with me a lot for one year and she hangs on. Our anniversary of meeting is on Filipino-American Friendship Day.”

“Fourth of July?”

“Yeah, that’s our independence day in the States.”

“How did you meet her?” LJ asked.

“It was a week or so before she was about to move to South Africa. I was dating two women at the time. And she saw me with them and was disgusted. And one of her friends introduced us. And I thought she was a bitch.”

We all took a swig of our beers. LJ spoke up first, “So you hated each other when you met?”

“Hate is a strong word. But she definitely was a challenge. But what got me was she was going to the most beautiful place on the planet – and it’s a place that is part of my heart – South Africa. And you know I just said home is not a place. Let me phrase it like this – if it was a place – it would be South Africa. More specifically, it would be Cape Town. And she was going there.”

“Okay, and then what happened?”

“She came to Hong Kong. And a spark developed. And then she was gone.”

“To South Africa?” LJ asked.

“Yeah. She was gone too soon. So I followed her to South Africa.”

Continue reading "Gone Too Soon (Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Hong Kong)"

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